My husband and I decided to purify our digestive systems for the New Year. We ate a very restrictive diet for three weeks, supplemented by nutritional shakes and vitamins and herbs. Follow over the fold for observations:
WHEE (Weight, Health, Eating and Exercise) is a community support diary for Kossacks who are currently or planning to start losing, gaining or maintaining their weight through diet and exercise or fitness. Any supportive comments, suggestions or positive distractions are appreciated. If you are working on your weight or fitness, please -- join us! You can also click the WHEE tag to view all diary posts.
We started this process because my digestion has been in bad shape for about a year, possibly longer. The symptoms seemed to indicate a heart/circulatory problem, but tests and exams by a cardiologist revealed nothing but low blood pressure (which I know about) and very high bad LDL numbers. My husband had a couple of benign polyps removed during a routine colonoscopy.
In trying to pinpoint my heath problem, I was checked for gallstones, which I do have. A surgeon recommended not removing the gall bladder because I was not experiencing acute attacks.
This purification program is put out by Standard Process, a company that makes supplements and sells them through chiropractors and other health professionals. And no, I do not work for or represent this company in any way.
The actual diet consisted of a shake, made with a protein powder and adding fruit, flax seed or other high quality oil and water. This was to be drunk two or three times a day. All vegetables were allowed to be eaten in any quantity. Only potatoes and green peas were not on the list. Most fruits were allowed as well. Organic food was recommended. A small amount of brown rice or lentils was also on the list.
In the beginning it was tough. I had headaches for two days because of giving up caffeine. I thought I had tapered off with decaf and green tea before hand, but no such luck. It was miserable and we almost gave it up. But didn't. The shakes and supplements were damned expensive, so I was determined to finish the process. I wasn't sure of the outcome, either. Would I feel better, or was it just BS?
The first week I craved pizza like crazy, not helped by the fact that our friends invited our family for dinner. We told them of our diet, and they served us a platter of beautiful fruit, all kinds of sauteed veggies and a big, beautiful salad. But our buddy made homemade pizza for the kids...ugh, that was hard!
I also wasn't used to buying fruit and vegetables in the amount needed to maintain a diet like this. We went through tons of bananas because we used them in all the shakes.
After eight days, we could add organic chicken or wild caught fish to our diets. Extra protein was good, especially for my husband.
What we noticed: My cravings for caffeine and sugar have completely stopped. I do not desire either one, and will not go back to caffeine. Ever.
No more 3pm energy crash. Or even worse, I often had to lie down after eating because it made me so tired.
No headaches after the caffeine withdrawl one.
My liver/gallbladder feel better. It's hard to notice the liver, I know, but it works overtime in this toxic environment we live in. I had no digestive issues during the time I did this cleanse. I had been having a lot of stomach acid and an almost constant ache in my stomach from Halloween through the holidays.
I'm going back to my regular diet slowly. No overeating and only eating whole food in as close to their natural state as possible (to quote La Leche League). We're lucky because we belong to a CSA that grows Biodynamic vegetables and milk.
Such a radical diet change isn't for everyone. It took more willpower than I knew I had. But surprisingly, fruit and vegetables are readily available. Even my CSA has plenty of beets, leeks, carrots, parsnips, turnips, onions, cabbages and rutabagas.
All in all, I'd declare this cleanse a success for my husband and me. It changed the way both of us look at food and we are more committed than ever to healthy eating. Before he did this, my husband would buy food I didn't approve of, such as cold cuts and other processed garbage. Now he won't do that anymore, and is even inspired to bake bread!
Another by-product of this is I lost the rest of the weight I wanted to. I haven't weighed this little since getting pregnant with my first child 19 years ago! Now to start Pilates, so I can strengthen my non-existent core. Really, I have no abs...
Scheduled WHEE diaries:
January 22 Fri AM - freedapeople Fri PM - Wee Mama
January 23 Sat AM - ??? Sat PM - Edward Spurlock (Kessler, Ch. 43)
January 24 Sun AM - ??? Sun PM - ???
January 25 Mon AM - NC Dem Mon PM - ???
January 26 Tues AM - ??? Tues PM - Clio2 (Kessler, Ch. 44)
January 27 Weds AM - ??? Weds PM - Edward Spurlock
January 28 Thur AM - ?? Thur PM - ??