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KosAbility: Attitude Adjustment


I had an idea in mind when I volunteered to write the diary for today. It was going to be about being a direct support worker, meaning I help an intellectually disabled (aka mentally retarded) man with his daily living, self-care and activities. It is intense, low paid work--although I must admit I am better paid than most others in the field. I work only two days a week, but they are two eight and a half hour days. And the man I work with is not easy. He has a great deal of anxiety, even though he takes meds for it. He has an awful time with transitioning from one activity to another, even when he enjoys the activities. He is often inappropriate in public, but I take him places anyway. Oh, and did I mention I have a child with an intellectual disability? He is much better off than the man I work with because his disability is not as severe, and special education laws were put into place requiring schools to educate all children regardless of disability. The man I work with was not so lucky. I could write volumes about him, but that will wait for another day.

KosAbility is a community diary series posted at 5 PM ET every Sunday and Wednesday by volunteer diarists. This is a gathering place for people who are living with disabilities, who love someone with a disability, or who want to know more about the issues surrounding this topic.  There are two parts to each diary.  First, a volunteer diarist will offer their specific knowledge and insight about a topic they know intimately. Then, readers are invited to comment on what they've read and or ask general questions about disabilities, share something they've learned, tell bad jokes, post photos, or rage about the unfairness of their situation. Our only rule is to be kind; trolls will be spayed or neutered.

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